Kaizen Net – Organize Online Kaizen Contests, Its FREE.

Improves participation, visibility, replication potential by creating learning by sharing resource. Kaizen contests are excellent platform to encourage continuous improvement thought process with in group companies, suppliers, members or other associate entities. Due to COVID 19 pandemic gatherings are not possible, OpExWorks is offering Kaizen …

4 Tools for a Paperless Shop Floor

Going paperless is the right strategy for any growing enterprise. If you think from the lean principles, the amount of time spent on filing documents, searching for the right documents, resources used for authorizations, invoices, or any documentation needed for auditing and compliance purpose, is …

Is it really important to reduce the overall environmental impact of your entire supplier ecosystem?

To answer the above significant question let’s find out the important facts given below: The benefits of an environmentally friendly business Running an environmentally friendly business helps you reduce your impact on the environment and preserves natural resources. Your business can help the environment in …

Environment Impact Assessment with Lean & Kaizen Tools

Environment Impact Assessment with Lean & Kaizen Tools

Kaizen is a Japanese word for “Change for the better” or it is also referred to as “Continuous Improvement”. So it is a journey and not a destination, it is a mindset as opposed to being a specific tool. It is a culture that needs …